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If you have a little spare time, read on. According to Lydia Dishman in “This is the State of Entrepreneurship in 2016”, Fast Company, the number of new businesses has increased and their subsequent growth has increased for three straight years. Startups continue to play an important part in the economic health of our country. If you have a dream, a passion or a vision for contributing to an industry, now is the time to act on it.

First, you will need to find your passion. Designing and building a business requires the owner to love what they are doing.  In “6 ways to Find Your Passion”, Corrina Gordon-Barnes states that you need to “adopt the perspective that you can do what you love with your life.” Once you have found what would be more like play than work to you, you are ready.

“Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” – Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

Don’t be concerned about the money at this point. There is a lot you can do toward your business without money. Basically, you can design and plan. You can design your Mission, Values, and Vision. You can research your desired business name as well as other pre-launching activities. Take time to carefully construct these elements because they will become the foundation of your enterprise.

Begin studying in your industry and determine who the leaders are and what unfulfilled needs exist in your field. The “Google Instant Library” and “YouTube University” can provide all the knowledge you need and these are free. Use your time wisely and look forward to the many advantages of owning your own business.

One of the primary advantages of owning your business is that you can control your destiny. You will not depend someone else to influence your future. You can move ahead with your personal vision of “the good life.” Another reason is that now more than ever, you can work from anywhere. You can work from home, in another country, or on the beach. These are just a few of the many advantages of being your own boss. Consider this and start planning.