Critical: Develop Precise Job Descriptions


Only 20 per cent of all new businesses survive.  Yours can become one of that 20 percent by following some “tried and true” processes that have led to success in the past.  One thing that is critically important is to establish a strong business core.  All business decisions will spring from a firmly established root.  As you grow, you will find it necessary to hire people for various operations in your business.  Our training and coaching processes refer to your core as a GeniusCore if it contains an excellent Mission, Vision, and well defined Values with talented affiliates.

The process of selecting talented affiliates must begin with a clear job description.  When you discover that it is time to hire an affiliate, it is extremely important to develop a clear job description for many reasons. A few of the reasons are the following:

Job descriptions are great reference points.

Job descriptions clearly define specific skills, abilities and talents required.

Job descriptions helps potential affiliates understand how the job fits into the Mission, Vision and Strategy of your business.

Job descriptions provide excellent tools for communication.

There are a few general guides that you can use when designing your position descriptions:

  1. Develop a job title.  Use industry standards to determine a proper job title and make sure that it reflects the true duties and responsibilities of the job.
  2. Clarify the duties.  Describe all required duties along with the time expected to be devoted to the tasks.  You can use percentages for this but try to keep the list short.
  3. Identify skills and abilities.  These are separate factors because they describe two distinct behaviors.  Skills are activities gained from passed experiences.  Abilities are traits or attributes the candidate must use in performing the duties, such as, the ability to communicate well.
  4. Describe relevant relationships. It is important to clarify relationships with coworkers, suppliers, customers or others.  This helps to give your candidates insight into your Mission, Values and Vision.
  5. Provide salary information.  It’s best to provide a salary range in the position description rather than a particular salary.  Use an industry standard, if possible and set the salary range to allow for a variety of education and experience.

A good job description is invaluable.  It helps define your business and support your strategy.  It is also great for measuring performance, resolving disputes and correcting poor performance.  Take time to develop a great position description and it will be a helpful tool for many situations.


A skilled worker, regardless of the job description, remains a treasure.”  Madeleine M. Kunin

Business Growth: Develop Employees




Growing your small business is a major concern as you develop your enterprise to provide services or products to customers. As your business becomes more popular and gains more customers, you want to control growth so that it is steady and true to your Mission and Strategy. For your very first employee and subsequent employees, employee training and continuous development should remain a critical activity. In fact, your Strategic plan must contain employee development to achieve your Vision for the future of your enterprise. I’m sure this brings up a lot of questions such as: how is this done or how can I afford this? A well designed Strategic plan is essential. The development plan that you add to your strategy does not have to be complicated or expensive. Hiring people who are the best fit for your position is a good foundation for going forward.  Basically, it requires that you really know your employees, their talents and abilities.
Advantages for Employees

1. The employee feels a sense of importance to your business.
2. Satisfaction of the basic need to grow and master their jobs.
3. Helps employees realize their skill levels and need for growth.
4. Helps employees change as technology and the business environment changes.

Advantages for Business Owners

1. When salary increases are not immediately available, the business owner can show their appreciation and long term support by providing training as a way to retain good employees.
2. Helps businesses manage change as it rapidly occurs.
3. Helps your business strengthen their weaknesses.
4. Promotes a learning culture for your business.
5. Gives your business a competitive edge.
6. Results in financial rewards for your business.
7. Develops engaged and confident workers.
8. Develops committed and motivated workers.

How to Proceed

1. Determine the skills needed to implement your strategy.
2. Determine how the employee can obtain these skills. ( Some examples: webinars, experienced co-workers, you coach the employee)
3. Conduct coaching and training discussions with the employee.
4. Agree on the outcome.
5. Allow the employee to say what went well and what went wrong.

“Your employees are your principle business asset. Invest in them thoughtfully and strategically, and you’ll reap rewards that pay off now and for years to come” Paul Sarvadi