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Getting work completed in an excellent manner will improve and grow your business consistently. The attitude and involvement of your workers are critical to excellence. However, we are often unaware of how our behavior as managers affects our workers. Sometimes, little things that we are unaware of can have a strong effect on how our workers perceive the importance of their job performance. Managers have many things to do in the work day and keeping track of everything is sometimes very difficult and it seems all you can do is barely make it through. Although it may be difficult, carefully focusing on your workers and keeping them motivated will eliminate many of the  daily problems that you have to solve. So, what are some of the things that you might unintentionally do or allow that kill the spirits of your workers and eventually make them not care about doing their best for your business?

1. Not feeling confident about leadership. This happens when operations don’t go as smoothly as they should time and time again. It makes workers think that the people in charge don’t know what they’re doing or is not paying attention to the important things. This makes it difficult for the workers to do their jobs and they just go along half-heartedly.
2. Poor performers getting by and never corrected. This occurs when poor perform

3. Poor communications practices. It’s frustrating when workers get confusing, inadequate or wrong information, particularly when it is managements’ responsibility. This can lead to rumors and all kinds of misinformation which leads to poor performance as well as demotivation.
4. Workers feel undervalued. When workers feel that their work isn’t being recognized or appreciated, they lose energy and are not committed to the business. When credit isn’t given when credit is due, motivation suffers.
5. Conflict.  A conflict between workers in the business can virtually tear it down. Intimidation and bullying can be part of this problem as well. This conflict will often arise from the poor communications practices listed above.
6. Unachievable workloads. The expectations and demands placed on a worker can make the worker feel burdened by an impossible workload. This will cause stress, disillusionment and of course, demotivation.

“An employees’ motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager.” Bob Nelson

Being aware of these situations will help you avoid them as you grow your business. Continuously learn about and improve your management style and practices and you will be able to hire and keep the best workers for your growing enterprise.

See also: “8 Common Causes of Workplace Demotivation” Kristen Hedges. Forbes Magazine and

“7 Reasons for Employee Demotivation” Michael Page