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Hopefully, you have carefully designed your vision and you are grounded in it’s value. You are committed to seeing your vision as reality of the future. You have also come to the realization that you can’t do it alone. You  know, without a doubt, that you need the cooperation of everyone involved in your organization.  You need the full involvement of your employees, therefore, they must understand and be fully committed to that vision. Cheryl Conner in“The 10 Communication Commandments That Drive Reputation and Business” and Carter McNamara in “Common Causes of Problems in Internal Communications” have contributed to  twelve actions that you can take to make sure that your vision and values are always at the forefront of your business operations.

1. Gain understanding and commitment using good communicationscanstockphoto11738760

Just make sure that everyone knows what the company vision is and how it relates to their respective roles. You can use various media to achieve this. Emails, visuals, texts, social media and of course face to face and group meetings. Use any vehicle you can think of.  This way everyone will know why the organization exists and what it intends to achieve.

2. Allow participation in the entire process.

All of this is easier if someone helps you.  Your employees can help in all areas when promoting your vision.  They may have ideas about the media to use for your communications.  They may have ideas about implementing the vision as well.  This is a rich resource for the growth and success of your business, because everyone sees thing differently and these perspectives can give your business a unique advantage.  Your employees see areas of opportunity that you may not be aware of.

3. Be dedicated to listening to your employees.

Of course, this is required for employee involvement, but dedication to listening is an underlying skill that great managers value for sustained business growth.  You will be surprised at the wealth of quality  and time saving information you’ll get by being dedicated to listening to your employees.

4. Pay attention to employee interactions.

Do you observe a sense of fellowship or do you observe dissension and negativity? This is a great indicator of the culture of your organization.  Listen for complaints.

5. Honor complaints as good news.

I know this is a different way to look at it, but complaints are valuable even if unpleasant.  Actually, complaints show that employees are involved and concerned about the operations.  Look at complaints as good news and turn them into suggestions for change.

6. Be open and honest.

Have the courage to determine if your intentions are for the welfare of all, not just yourself.  Determine to strive for genius integrity and build strong credibility.  This way you can stand up to false information with no problem!

7. Answer tough questions.

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This is the best way to build relationships and promote the business vision. Speak only for yourself and answer to the best of your knowledge.  Avoiding tough questions lead to suspicion and distrust.

8. Don’t share private information.

Trust is built when employees and others have confidence that you will keep private matters private. When openly communicating with the players in your organization, you must commit to keeping confidential areas confident. This builds the trust and commitment to your vision that you desire.

9. Keep promises and followup.

Diligent follow up is critical to maintaining the integrity of your vision. This will show your personal commitment and help shape the progress toward your vision. This also helps establish and maintain a reputation of trust.

10. Support helpful innovations.

If employees have great and innovation ideas, welcome and support them. This will help define the creative and value driven character of your culture.  Employees will feel free to use all of their creative energies to promote and grow your business.

11. Give credit where credit is due.

Everybody wants recognition.  When employees have made a significant contribution, be sure to give them credit for their efforts.  They will genuinely appreciate it and continue go above and beyond the call of duty for your business.

12. Find opportunities to celebrate.

Celebrate when important goals are met.  Ask your employees what type if celebrations they would enjoy.  Be creative.



 The One Thing You Must DO……………………

Show where you were and where you are now and how it relates to your vision.  Be sure to share a quarterly report with your organization.  This will build your vision culture better than anything else. You will need a detailed strategic planThis will reflect the actions needed to actualize your company vision. This will make it easy to prepare and share quarterly reports that chart your progress toward the strategic goals and objectives that your vision requires. We will explore strategic plans in later posts.
If you carry out these actions as described, your vision will permeate your business and you will be successful.
“Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can’t get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn’t even matter.”
— Gilbert Amelio
President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp.


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