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“It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.” Roy E. Disney


Ideally, you have a strong mission and vision set for your business.  The next essential parts of your company foundation are your core values.  Core values can be thought of as the “glue” that holds your organization together. This should be recognized as the character of all of your activities.  They support your business vision and mission and they also help define your business culture.  Core values help your business operations run smoothly and, if they are understood and practiced, offer several advantages.  First, they help you make better decisions.  For example, if it’s necessary to purchase supplies and the quality of what is available is less than perfect, you would reject them (even at a lower price) because they violate your business value of “high standards” or excellence.  You don’t want your product or service affected.  Second, core values educate customers and future employees.  They know what to expect from your company and seek you out because of your values.  Third, core values are fundamental, that is, this is one thing that the changing environment will not alter.  Your clearly defined values should remain the same throughout the life of your business. 

Some of the problems that many businesses are experiencing may be caused by weak or nonexistent business values.  Examples would be fighting the same issues over and over or a lack of mutual trust because of a disconnect between the stated values and daily behavior.  It’s important to create a strong foundation of values if you want a prosperous and growing business.  As suggested in an earlier post(Income Inequality and Your Small Business Mission), quality, excellence, timeliness and good business practices are in short supply in our country.  Consumers are hungry for quality and reliability.  Great business values can set you high above the competition.  GeniusCore can help you clarify your business values and convert them into behaviors that you can measure and manage.




“I have chosen to use my work as a reflection of my values” Sidney Poitier


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