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It’s important to constantly measure your business activities against you Mission, Values and Vision.  Of course this is easier said than done.  There are hundreds of small things that can take a lot of your time.  You must find a way because you are responsible for the nourishment of your business just as you would be for a seedling in your garden.  No one understands your Mission, Values and Vision better than you, the Founder and the only way you can permeate your organization with your core elements is to do it yourself.

This might require that you change the way you work and manage your time.  You probably really enjoy the hands on effort required to contribute the product or service that you provide.  After all, that’s why you started the business anyway.  If you continue to work with your head down(on your service, product, or day to day details) and never take time to look at and construct the big picture, it can be fatal.  “Big picture thinking” is probably your greatest responsibility and you will need to find regular time for it.  If you routinely use the following processes and act in the following ways, you will steer your enterprise in the right direction.


The Vision Keeper should have a clearly documented Mission, Values and Vision for your enterprise.  If these documents are in place, they will be a steady reference for setting objectives and other types of decision making.  These documents are like describing elements of a blueprint that your business is built on. Sherrie Campbell “The 10 Mental Skills Necessary to Become a Strategic Visionary”

A Strategic Plan

A plan of action to achieve objectives must be designed and maintained.  This plan should allow for changes because of our dynamic environment but a general plan to achieve goals and objectives helps you to arrive at the destination that you have envisioned.  If you don’t have a plan, you’re at the mercy of the moment and it could  take you anywhere or even worse, no where.

A Strong Learning Attitude

It’s important to learn from all experiences, good and bad.  This expands your perspective and helps you to attack future problems effectively.  Frequent reading in your discipline is enormously helpful and related videos, or social media articles can help you sharpen your skills and strategies.  Seek advice on the various aspects of your business when you can.  A learning attitude can eliminate a lot of trial and error.

“The tribe often thinks that the Visionary has turned his back on them.  When in fact, the Visionary has simply turned his face to the future”

Ray A. Davis

An Awareness of Your Emotions

If something doesn’t “feel right”, pay attention to that feeling and investigate the reasons for that feeling .  This instinct is an “innate inclination toward a particular behavior”, as described by Francis Cholle of The Intuitive Company.  Paying attention to instinct brings all of the ability of the brain to work on a particular problem.

See Patience as a Critical Value

Everything takes some time to manifest.  Time is required for you to immerse yourself and your team into your Mission, Values, Vision and Strategies.  Patience leads to a high level of skill development and mastery and will build your reputation as a good leader who doesn’t give up.  Building a great business takes patience and commitment.


A “Vision Keeper” must take time out of his/her busy schedule to be the “Captain of the Ship” and the captain must have a map to help maintain the course or the ship will end up anywhere or no where.  The only way that you can have a map is to take time to draw one up.  This requires regular times of contemplation.  Determine your best thinking time and put it in your schedule.  This will help you have essential documentation including a strategic plan ( collaborated if needed ).  Remain open minded with a learning attitude and pay attention to your emotions.  What could they be telling you?  Finally, practice patience to immerse your enterprise in the great Vision that you have for the future and persevere  in the face of the many obstacles that you will inevitably face with patience.